Unfortunately, MedSafe have officially listed DEN as an unapproved medicine. This means we are no longer able to supply this product which is causing consumers stress, anxiety and fear that they will not have a supply of nutrients they depend on to stay well.
You are still able to purchase DEN if you get a prescription from your GP. However, I have already heard many stories of how prescribers won't write a script for the micronutrients as they do not know what they are and/or because the patient does not have an official diagnosis or disorder to treat (Dr Julia Rucklidge elaborates on this point in the article above).
Many health professionals are trying to rectify this issue but require support from the public. If you rely on this product for your mental health, please consider speaking to your local MP about this issue. The only way we can revert this decision by MedSafe, is by getting our MPs and government onboard.
Great to combine Zinc with Molybdenum and Selenium to help raise Zinc levels when you have too much Copper in your system. Need extra zinc and Molybdenum as well though to get the right dose.